Modern Warfare 2 – A Brilliantly Fun Multiplayer FPS

I’ve finally got around to reviewing Modern Warfare 2 after years of playing and accumulating over 1500 hours of game play which has given me over 150,000 kills, a quad snipe with one bullet, and over 10 nukes, three of which I actually got the same day as I wrote this review. Anyway Modern Warfare 2 is a First Person action shooter based around a theoretical war started by an individual known as Makarov, in which you are lead around the world in an attempt to hunt him down.

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Mw2 Multiplayer only choosing American Hosts?

If you played Modern Warfare 2 as much as I do, then recently you might have noticed increased lag in almost every game you tried to join. The game is now choosing American hosts more than ever the past week or so, leaving every other player at one bar (out of 10) which is equivalent to around 200ms of ping making it almost impossible to play. Thousands of players are very angry about this change and the fact it appears that the code has been changed to ONLY pick American hosts, even if every other player is lagging hard at 200ms ping. I believe games should be created fairly and not give an edge to American players just because the game is made there, as eventually it will drive every other player away from it.

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Mw1 vs Mw2 vs Mw3 – A comparision blog

COD 4 otherwise known as Mw1 is the first game in the “Modern Warfare” series, it’s been commonly referred to as the best thought-out and designed of the Modern Warfare games, so far. I’ll be comparing the three games of the Modern Warfare series against each other to work out why people like Mw1 over Mw2 and what Mw3 should have to satisfy the gaming population’s needs.

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