I thought i’d post some pictures of my friends epic minecraft city based around the mass effect maps. These worlds have to be seen to be believed and they are truely fantastic, so I thought i’d follow up on my minecraft space station post and show you what he’s been doing.
As I mentioned above this map was based around the the mass effect series, except replicated in minecraft which would make a great spawn for a server or something, although it’s not an actual map on the game. I must say I didn’t make any of it either, all credit goes to “SpottyIII” for this fantastic map which he will continually work on and i’m looking forward to adding an update blog on the completed thing.
That’s about it, leave a comment if you like the map or would like to download it. I’ll upload it if anyone’s interested.
Update: Here’s the download link with the included texture pack, although it may be outdated a little: